
Things to Remember
• During template type deduction, arguments that are references are treated as
non-references, i.e., their reference-ness is ignored.
• When deducing types for universal reference parameters, lvalue arguments get
special treatment.
• When deducing types for by-value parameters, const and/or volatile arguments
are treated as non-const and non-volatile.
• During template type deduction, arguments that are array or function names
decay to pointers, unless they’re used to initialize references.


Things to Remember
• auto type deduction is usually the same as template type deduction, but auto
type deduction assumes that a braced initializer represents a std::initial
izer_list, and template type deduction doesn’t.
• auto in a function return type or a lambda parameter implies template type
deduction, not auto type deduction.


std::vector<int> v;
auto resetV =
[&v](const auto& newValue) { v = newValue; }; // C++14
resetV({ 1, 2, 3 }); // error! can't deduce type
// for { 1, 2, 3 }


decltype 的作用

Given a name or an expression, decltype tells you the name’s or the expression’s type.

decltype 的用法

Things to Remember
• decltype almost always yields the type of a variable or expression without
any modifications.
• For lvalue expressions of type T other than names, decltype always reports a
type of T&.
• C++14 supports decltype(auto), which, like auto, deduces a type from its
initializer, but it performs the type deduction using the decltype rules.

operator[] on a container of objects of type T typically returns a T&. This is the case
for std::deque, for example, and it’s almost always the case for std::vector. For
std::vector, however, operator[] does not return a bool&. Instead, it
returns a brand new object.
1. 数组\vector 等容器的[]操作符返回的是&类型;
2. std::vecotr
的[]操作返回的不是bool 类型。(为了效率)

auto differs with Template

So the only real difference between auto and template type deduction is that auto
assumes that a braced initializer represents a std::initializer_list, but template
type deduction doesn’t.


smart pointer

share pointer

unique pointer

std::unique_ptr comes in two forms, one for individual objects (std::unique_ptr) and one for arrays (std::unique_ptr). As a result, there’s never any ambiguity about what kind of entity a std::unique_ptr points to.



std::find_if(container.begin(), container.end(),
[](int val) { return 0 < val && val < 10; });

A closure is the runtime object created by a lambda. Depending on the capture
mode, closures hold copies of or references to the captured data.

lambda 也可以拷贝、赋值,实例如下:

int x; // x is local variable

auto c1 = // c1 is copy of the

[x](int y) { return x * y > 55; }; // closure produced

// by the lambda

auto c2 = c1; // c2 is copy of c1

auto c3 = c2; // c3 is copy of c2

