
Offset 14h: CC – Controller Configuration

Memory Page Size (MPS): This field indicates the host memory page size. The memory page size is (2 ^ (12 + MPS)). Thus, the minimum host memory page size is 4 KiB and the maximum host memory page size is 128 MiB。


nvme 中的metadata



每个PRP 的结构如下,就是一个64bit 的地址(包含偏移)

描述了PRP entry 及其和下一个PRP entry page 之间的链接方式:

A physical region page list (PRP List) is a set of PRP entries in a single page of contiguous memory. A PRP List describes additional PRP entries that could not be described within the command itself. Any PRP entries described within the command are not duplicated in a PRP List. If the amount of data to transfer requires multiple PRP List memory pages, then the last PRP entry before the end of the memory page shall be a pointer to the next PRP List, indicating the next segment of the PRP List. Figure 109 shows the layout of a PRP List where each PRP entry identifies memory pages that are physically contiguous. Figure 109 shows the layout of a PRP List where each PRP entry identifies a different memory page (i.e., the memory pages are not physically contiguous).

SGL 重要数据结构

entry 摆放方式

每个segment entry 按照下面的格式摆放:叠罗汉

entry 分类

下表列出了主要的几种sgl descriptor的类型:


entry 的结构

每个entry 都是16 bytes, 下面介绍几种最主要的entry.

SGL Data Block Descripotr



SGL bit bucket Descpritor


通过它,可以调过NVME 设备上业务不需要访问的数据区域,告诉DMA这里需要新启一个DMA传输。

SGL Segment Descripotr

用来链接下一个但非最后一个SGL descriptor. 一般在碰到要从不连续的内存地址做IO需要用到。

SGL Last Segment Descriptor:

用来链接最后一个SGL descriptor,告诉DMA 这是最后一个传输了。



Command Format – Admin and NVM Command Set 定义了每个NVME submit queue entry 格式


Command Dword 0 : 指定命令类型、 使用PRP 还是SGL 来传输数据

指定在哪个name space 上执行

Namespace Identifier (NSID):

元数据指针:Metadata Pointer (MPTR):

Metadata Pointer (MPTR): This field is valid only if the command has metadata that is not interleaved with the logical block data, as specified in the Format NVM command. This is a reserved field in NVMe over Fabrics implementations.

如果CDW0.PSDT 为0, 这个字段表示使用PRP 来描述是PRP (Physical Region pointer);

(Metadata Pointer 到底做什么用?和后面的 Date buffer 字段相比,功能上有和联系和区别?)

数据指针:Data Pointer (DPTR):

  • 如果使用PRP: 表示PRP Entry2
    如果数据不跨memory page, 保留无用; 如果数据跨越memory page, 就表示第二个physical region memroy page;
  • 如果使用SGL:表示SGL1: 指向第一个SGL segment

问题: PRP (Physical memory range pointer)是SPDK处理的最小内存单元。



SGL 中的使用



set up 阶段

